Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3rd Report (group KaMbing)

Date: 13/2/2011
It was our last session..
Comments for BOX OF the PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE module:

The participants were given a piece of paper which contained boxes for them to write down their experiences, achievements or anything in the past and present and also their expectations for the future. They took quite some time to start their task. They looked confused and not so confident with what they want to write. But, after they received some assist from the facilitator, they were able to do it by themselves. They were aware with their past and present experiences and achievement; however they were still in doubt about the future. Therefore, the adolescents need someone to guide them to achieve a good future.

Comments for STAR OF GOALS module:

This activity mainly tried to help the adolescents to clarify their goals and identify the factors that could lead to them to achieve their goals. The participants were given a paper with five stars on it. Then, they were asked to write down their goals in each star. Some of them did not have problem at all in writing the goals because they have sets of goal in their mind. They were willing to share their goals with the others. However, some of the participants still needed to be guided. Overall they were doing well and became better than before.

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