Sunday, January 23, 2011


Last 3 days..our team members had put lot of effort in completing our PBL 1..This PBL is not an ordinary learning..students can enjoy their learning and showing their creativity as expected our lecturer, Dr. Lihanna..asked us to show our talent on making video!!!..Ya ALLAH..i need to take class for making video by using windows movie maker..i never doing it before huhu..Alhamdullillah..after trial and error process..we actually did it!! Although, we are so shy to show the video in the class..but we actually can't wait for it..Big thanks to Dr. i can easily use windows movie maker!!! Credits to Sis Hazirah Alam Faizly cause teach me on how to cut the video, and Sis Triningsih cause teach me on how to convert the video...:)

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