Monday, February 28, 2011

2nd report on Group AYAM..

When we arrived there for second meeting, they were interested to know what they activities that they could do.

First module: the crack car

This module required them to imagine a situation that needed them to make a decision on who is their friend that they need to choose in that situation and why. Most of them chose their friends and gave reasons why they made that decision. For instance, on of them said that he chose his friend because that friend was very close to him. Every of them can give reasons why they make their decision. Hence, they have ability to think and make consideration before make any decision.

Second module: AL-kisah

In this module, they are required to hear a story and understand it. This story consists of different roles and characters such as bad, good, generous, and others. All of them listen to the story quietly and carefully. After that, they were required to arrange the character and the roles starting from the good and lastly bad character and person. All of them can give the answer and arrange the character correctly. They were discussing among each others. Some have different opinion and some have same opinions. Hence, we can see that, their ways of thinking about something were improved. Their willingness to share and give opinions is improved. They have willingness to give opinions even their opinions were differ from their friends. 

1st report on Group AYAM..

We felt vey lucky and praise to God because giving us the opportunity to organize a program at the orphanage home. We hope that this opportunity will give benefit for the adolescent there and also us. After we arrived there, they welcome us and some of them smile at us and some are just keep quiet. Before started the program facilitators introduced themselves and asked them some questions. Our group is “group Ayam”. First of all, fasi introduced themselves and ask some questions like have they eaten or not, what did they do before we arrived and others. Our group consists of five members which are age between 12 to 17. At first, some of them are difficult to involve in conversation, ask questions and a little bit shy.  

First module: Round Robin

This module gives the opportunity for them to have more information about their friends and make their relationship closer. Most of them, gave good information about themselves.

Second module: Johari Window

This module required them to recall and think about themselves, for example, what they know about themselves that other people also know. What they know that other people do not know. This gave them opportunity to know who they are and share something that very interesting about themselves to others. They have ability and interest to complete the task. Some of them took long time to think and recall about the information that they should write. What we can see from this module is their ability and willingness to share something with their friends.

Third module: Who is Nurul?

This module gave them opportunity to express what they think about something. For instance, what come to their mind when the question of who is Nurul was asked. They described the people or thing that they think of by drawing the pictures. Most of them did this module in very good way and expression. Some of them think about family, teacher, nature and others. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Third report - General Overview

Date: 13th February 2011 
Time: 2.30 p.m - 4.30 p.m 
Venue: Rumah Kebajikan N.Q 
Objective: Goals Settings and Wrap up Session

“Ha?? Today is our last session?”

            After two weeks been in Rumah D.Q, last week was the final one. For this session, it has been handled casually by the facilitators. This session started with first module named “Past, Present and Future”. The objective of this module was to allow the participants to identify their experience, achievements and expectations or anything in their past, present and future. The facilitator instructed the participants to fill the boxes of past, present and future about what they were in past, they are currently and they going to be in future. Initially, the participants seemed took little time to start the first word but after that, they looked confident in filling the boxes.
            Secondly, in order to make the participants became more aware and clear of their goals in this life module named Star of Goals” was implemented. Every participant was given a piece of paper that constitutes five stars. They have been requested to write their goals in the stars; one goal for each star. Then the participants presented their goals together with their strategy in attaining those goals. This module was to help the participants to become goals oriented person and assist them in identifying the factors that could lead to the successful of the goals. Some of the participants looked positive when uttering their goals and some might need guidance in setting and realizing their goals. However, overall the participants more relaxed than before in expressing their views and opinion.
            To end up the session, we completed it with a wrap up sessions. To know more about our wrap up session, do not forget to wait for our next post patiently... ;-)

Monday, February 21, 2011

POrtfolio day is just around d corner!!

WOW!! I"m surprise to see our Psychology portfolio day event which is just the small programme  under PSYCSTA is going to be the GRAND event!!! Hopefully we all will do our best!! all d best all my ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY CLASSMATE..:)

PBL 2!!!

Today, on 22nd February 2011, we had received our last PBL..which is PBL 2..
We were asked to come out with ideas on V-DAY topic!!! What is Valentine day actually??hmm..
oh!! before that we need to divide our work..

1.Moral development goes to (Zubeidah)
2. Gender (Mai)
3. parenting and families (Jamilah)
4. Friendship and romance (az-athirah)
5. Islamic and religion point of view (JUe)
6. History (saey)
7. Values (Ajim)

Now, we already divided our tasks..lets do some brainstorming about this topic!! (^^)/

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2nd RePoRt oN gRoUp KaTaK!!!~

Date: 23 January 2011
Time: 12pm-5pm
Venue: Rumah kebajikan Darul Qanaah
Facilitator: Najwa and Siti Maizura
Group: Katak                                

The participants were asked to draw a most precious and valuable things for them and tells others why those are important for them.
-The participants were very creative in their drawings- some of them draw cartoons i.e naruto, etc.
-They were able to see how important something in their life i.e a boy regards a gift from a father before the divorce of their parents is valuable things for him.
- They can present what they draw and listen carefully to what others present.
The facilitator told a story for participants and the participants were asked to rank the characters from the best to the worst person.
-The participants can judge critically about each of the character present in the story, each of the participants has different view with each other and try to defend their opinions by giving good reasons.
Crack Kancil:
The participants were given a case in which they have to select 3 from 5 members to save them.
-At first, they select the friends that they want to safe.
-Then, they creatively giving the ideas(logically @ illogically^^) that they want to safe all of the friends in their group.
-This shows the creativity of them, the ability to think out of the box, and the sense of belongingness among them.

Second report- general overview

Date: 23rd January 2011 
Time: 12.00 p.m - 4.30 p.m 
Venue: Rumah Kebajikan N.Q 
Objective: Values Trainning and Self-Confidence

          This was the second time for weluvadol team been at Rumah D.Q. All of us were so excited to meet our brothers and sisters since the last time we met them was two weeks ago. For this session, we made it on Sunday noon as most of them were having tuition in the morning. We reached there at 12 noon immediately after they finished their tuition. Before started with the modules, our team helped the participants to prepare and serve for their lunch. Some of us helped to fry the eggs and some prepared for the drinks. After that, we ate together with them.
          After performing Solat Zuhr, they have been asked to assemble at the upstairs to start with the modules. It was not easy to gather them initially but eventually we managed to amass the participants. Before begin, one of the facilitator gave a short briefing to refresh their mind and to get them ready. As they have been in group, the facilitator started with the first module of that day which was ‘Me’. This module were to encourage the group members to share their opinion at the same time understand and respect other’s values that may differ from their values. The participants were asked to draw any object or image that was significant to their lives. Then the facilitator asked each of them to present their works followed by some inquiries such as why the thing is important to them. The participants took quite a long time to identify what was the thing. A few of them still referring to others to get an idea while some looked very serious and firm in expressing their views.
            Module ‘Al Kisah’ was meant to train and teach the participants to be firm with their values and beliefs and at the same time respects others for the belief they have. The facilitator read the text of Al Kisah clearly and after finished reading the text, the participants have been asked by the facilitator to arrange the character in the story from the best to worst and provide reasons why they said so based on their feelings, understanding and opinion. The discussion of this module led the participants to see things from many perspectives. For this module, participants paid more attention and looked interested to the story. Perhaps the facilitator creativity made it an attention-grabbing story. Well done faci!!!;-)
            Lastly, the module that generate the discussion about values and justice held close by the participants called ‘My Crack Car'. The facilitator told a situation that led the participants to decide the best solution of the problem by choosing only some of their group members on that matter. The participants then explain the reason why they did so. Since this quite easy to be understand by the participants, they only took few minutes to finish the activity.
            Before end up the session, a simple and short Q and A session were held in order to test their understanding. All of them, participate a lot and compete among each other to answer since 'reward' was waiting for them.;-)On the whole, we can see that the participants were now became more focus and behaved than before. They started to grasp the relevant of this program and collaborate with the facilitator to achieve the goals for each activity. We are looking forward to observe the participants' positive changes and grow in the next session. A journey to create a hero -

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First report - general overview

Date: 7th January 2011
Time: 10.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m
Venue: Rumah Kebajikan N.Q
Objective: Taaruf and Group Binding and Self-Potentials Discovery

        We arrived at D.Q 10 minutes before 10.00 to get ourselves prepared. Seeing and going there for the first time make us sympathize to the children there. The children welcomed us and felt so glad to see us with them. Initially, we started the programme with brief taaruf session by introducing the facilitator’s name and courses. After that, we did a simple game to divide them into group. There were four groups which were “Lembu”, “Kambing”, “Katak” and “Ayam”. Each of them had to make a sound of their respective ‘animal’.
            After they have been in group, we begun with the first module named ‘Round Robin’. The goal of this module was to break the ice and to know each other well. The facilitator initiated the activity by introducing herself to the group members. Then, everyone will have to introduce themselves. Each member also has told to draw three things/objects that reflected themselves and share about it with each other. Overall, this module quite disorganized since this was the first module. The children still needed time to adapt and felt comfortable with each other.
            Next, module was 'Johari Window'; to learn about them and others better. Each member has to list example of his/her personalities for all boxes (open, blind, hidden, unknown). This activity led the children to identify the similarities and differences among each other. At the same time it exposed the children to accept and appreciate who they are and respect others. For this module, quite a long time needed to explain to the children about the instruction.  
            Then, module named ‘Who is Nik’ took place. This module were designed to make the children realize that people easily misjudge other and to encourage members to be more open in understanding others and themselves. The participants were asked to imagine who is NIK and three characteristics of NIK. During the discussion, the facilitator asked the participants why they drew such to reflect NIK. The flow of this module was better than the first two modules since the instruction quite easy to be understood by the participants.
            All in all, for our first visiting to Rumah N.Q gave impact to the participants though the effect still subtle. However, this was a good sign to the participants to start develop confidence on themselves. We hope our next modules would make the participants grow personally. InsyaAllah- a journey to create a hero -