Time: 10.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m
Venue: Rumah Kebajikan N.Q
Objective: Taaruf and Group Binding and Self-Potentials Discovery
We arrived at D.Q 10 minutes before 10.00 to get ourselves prepared. Seeing and going there for the first time make us sympathize to the children there. The children welcomed us and felt so glad to see us with them. Initially, we started the programme with brief taaruf session by introducing the facilitator’s name and courses. After that, we did a simple game to divide them into group. There were four groups which were “Lembu”, “Kambing”, “Katak” and “Ayam”. Each of them had to make a sound of their respective ‘animal’.
After they have been in group, we begun with the first module named ‘Round Robin’. The goal of this module was to break the ice and to know each other well. The facilitator initiated the activity by introducing herself to the group members. Then, everyone will have to introduce themselves. Each member also has told to draw three things/objects that reflected themselves and share about it with each other. Overall, this module quite disorganized since this was the first module. The children still needed time to adapt and felt comfortable with each other.
Next, module was 'Johari Window'; to learn about them and others better. Each member has to list example of his/her personalities for all boxes (open, blind, hidden, unknown). This activity led the children to identify the similarities and differences among each other. At the same time it exposed the children to accept and appreciate who they are and respect others. For this module, quite a long time needed to explain to the children about the instruction.
Then, module named ‘Who is Nik’ took place. This module were designed to make the children realize that people easily misjudge other and to encourage members to be more open in understanding others and themselves. The participants were asked to imagine who is NIK and three characteristics of NIK. During the discussion, the facilitator asked the participants why they drew such to reflect NIK. The flow of this module was better than the first two modules since the instruction quite easy to be understood by the participants.
All in all, for our first visiting to Rumah N.Q gave impact to the participants though the effect still subtle. However, this was a good sign to the participants to start develop confidence on themselves. We hope our next modules would make the participants grow personally. InsyaAllah…- a journey to create a hero -
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